Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Challenge: 101 things in 1001 days

The Challenge: Complete 101 predetermined tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: The tasks must be specific and measurable. Ambiguity is not allowed. Tasks must be realistic and require action or attention.

Timeline: I will begin working on these tasks January 1, 2011 and finish at midnight September 27, 2013

My dear friend, Tami (you know I love her or I would have NEVER agreed to do something so challenging AND long term!), found this project. A little background first, Tami and I are list makers. That is one of the things that has stayed constant throughout our 13 year friendship. It all began back when we were single mothers with infants... we met online through a single mom's support group. Tami was living in Michigan and I was living in Tennessee. We would frequently drive to our half way point - Cincinnati - for weekend get aways with the kids. Sadly though we couldn't afford that every weekend! So we spent plenty of days (and nights) chatting online and making lists. A couple of years into our friendship we added another bestie, Cindy -- hi Cindy! Cindy was in Minnesota. FYI Cincinnati is not the halfway point between MI, TN, and MN! We were able to get together in Chicago one year. That was FABULOUS! And when Tami was 8 months pregnant with her 2nd child we kidnapped her for a weekend getaway to a spa in Canada. Cindy isn't quite the list maker that Tami is (I'm not even the list maker that Tami is!!). But we have had many "CleanFests" throughout the years. These girls are my closest friends. Even though we are far, far apart in miles we are close at heart. Sometimes we drift away and don't really talk to each other for a while as one or the other of us goes through a funk but we all know the love there!
OMGosh.. can I get any further off topic?? Okay so Cindy didn't do the 101 list (YET!!) but Tami and I are starting ours today. Since this was Tami's great idea I am borrowing her disclaimer below! this should be fun guys... I am feeling motivated!
    work in progress
  1. Complete Katrina Kennedy's list of 365 photos to take
  2. Find a favorite inspiring quote and work it into an art piece
  3. Go to a scrapbook retreat
  4. Participate in 26things photo project
  5. Scrapbook all “50 moments that matter most” by Lisa Bearnson
  6. Do a photo shoot with Em
  7. Take a Young Me/Now me photo
  8. Take a Young Me/Now me photo of Emily
  9. Attend a concert
  10. Attend a film festival
  11. Attend a local theater performance
  12. Go to a Renaissance Fair
  13. See a musical or Broadway production
  14. Visit a photo exhibition
  15. Watch all seasons of 24 (3/8)
  16. Have a 80s movie marathon with Emily
  17. Have watched an academy award nominated movie from each year (not necessarily the winning movie)
  18. Watch a movie at a drive-in
  19. Watch all 3 twilight movies the same day of the 4th premiere
  20. Watch all of IMDB'S Top 250 Movies
  21. Learn photoshop - create 5 projects using skills I have mastered
  22. Print my blog from beginning to now and add to my scrapbooks
  23. Read Top 10 Banned or Challenged Classic Books, as defined by a prestigious book list
  24. Read 10 new books
  25. Read all of the Wizard of Oz books
  26. Read an autobiography, a memoir, or a biography
  27. Read The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
  28. Go to a book signing
  29. Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
  30. Blog on once a week
  31. Create & Keep updated a classroom blog
  32. Document all books at
  33. Document my experiences with Day Zero
  34. Document what I know about my genealogy
  35. Make a list of my 50 most favorite quotes
  36. Participate in 30daysofthanks in November
  37. Participate in NaBloPoMo
  38. Participate in Reverb in December
  39. Write 25 things I like about myself
  40. Write a hand written letter to someone
  41. Write a list of things that each person in my life has taught me
  42. Write a will
  43. Write an inspirational quote on a piece of paper and leave in a library book
  44. Write and illustrate a children's book
  45. Find 50 Geocaches
  46. Go to Disney World
  47. Have a progressive dinner at some local restaurants
  48. See a hot air balloon festival
  49. Spend a whole day (12 hours) in the mountains
  50. Take a spontaneous weekend vacation
  51. Take a train ride
  52. Take Emily to play in the snow in the National Park
  53. Take Emily to Romania
  54. Visit 10 local restaurants I've never been to
  55. Visit a museum while in Europe
  56. Visit either the Painted Monasteries or Transylvania with Emily
  57. Visit an Ikea store
  58. Visit Redwood forest & drive through the tree
  59. Visit the Grand Canyon
  60. Visit Anne Frank's House in Amsterdam (with Emily)
  61. Stop drinking Diet Coke on a daily basis
  62. Win a Biggest Loser competition at work
  63. Say yes to everything for a day
  64. Get highlights of a non-traditional color
  65. Have the whole house to myself for an entire day
  66. Stay in bed all day
  67. Drink water every day
  68. Exercise 2x a week for three months
  69. Follow the Happiness Project for a year
  70. Lose 75lbs
  71. Plant a tree
  72. Tie a secret to a balloon and let it go
  73. Track my food on Spark People for a month
  74. Keep & utilize my daily planner
  75. Take a cake decorating class with Emily
  76. Take a gardening class
  77. Send at least 12 birthday cards (on time and by ‘real’ mail)
  78. Make & Send Christmas cards
  79. Make a family cookbook including all my mom’s recipe cards
  80. Organize all my digital photos
  81. Organize all my printed photos
  82. Host a theme party
  83. Make a Super Epic Rainbow Cake or Rainbow Cupcakes
  84. Throw a 4th of July party
  85. Throw a theme party
  86. Clean & organize my house
  87. Take a beading class
  88. Take a cooking class
  89. Buy 50 lottery tickets
  90. Buy myself flowers for no reason
  91. Donate $10 to charity for any uncompleted items on the list
  92. Give Emily $100 for no reason to spend frivolously on whatever she wants
  93. Give the kids in my life a money book
  94. Pay off a credit card
  95. Put $5 in a jar for every item completed
  96. Stick to a budget for at least 3 months
  97. Finish a 1000 piece jigsaw
  98. Teach Emily to drive
  99. Collect 101 Postcards
  100. Give 10 people just because presents
  101. Have family night once a month

Disclaimer: Because life is unpredictable and things don't always work out to plan, I am leaving myself the 'wiggle' room to change these 101 things if needed. I will make sure it is fully noted why it's being changed and will only do so if absolutely necessary, NOT because it's just too hard to accomplish. (Let's face it, this will most likely involve items that require funding that I may or may not have) If things need to be changed a comparable item will replace it (If finances deem that I can't make it to redwood forest, the grand canyon, a theme park, five state parks, scrapbook retreat AND Romania, then it's replaced with something more local and affordable like an excursion exploring locally.) I refuse to set myself up to fail at this.


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