Tuesday, January 11, 2011

17. Watch an academy award nominated, blah, blah, blah

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0032881/ nominated 1940

Wow, I remember reading Our Town in English, Mrs. Henry's class sophomore year I think . For some reason the storyline has always stuck with me. When I saw it listed as one of the nominees for 1940 I knew I wanted to watch it again and see if it still spoke to me. The thing that spoke to me most today was the scene where Emily goes back to her parents' home and it is the morning of her 16th birthday. She watches her mother bustle around the kitchen but her mother never stops to actually engage with her. At one point Emily screams, "We never look at each other." Wow, don't we get so busy living life and having those ordinary days that sometimes we just don't even look at each other. :-(


Tamarra said...

See you're so intellectural ;)

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